Episode 29 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!
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This week's topics:
- Heroes of the Storm & Heroes of the Storm Cardback Released
- 'The Inn Crowd' - New Tempo Storm animated series
- Challengestone 2 Announced - June 27-28
- PVPLive.net - New site with tons of Hearthstone Statistics
- Vulcun Announces $50k Hearthstone League with an open qualifier
- Brian Kibler Dragon Paladin Article
- Eric Dodds - "We can't keep making cards"
- Viagame House Cup 3
- Upcoming Hearthstone Tournaments
- The Meta
- Decklist of the week: RomanP's Trap Hunter
Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:
Game of the Week: Firebat's Shaman vs Handsomeguy's Priest: (SURPRISE LIGHTWELL ENDING): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fb9DYUT-Lc
Heroes of the Storm Cardback: http://www.hearthpwn.com/news/893-new-heroes-of-the-storm-themed-card-back
Challengestone 2: https://tempostorm.com/articles/challengestone-2-is-coming
PVPLive.net - New Hearthstone site for statistics
Vulcun Hearthstone League- http://www.gosugamers.net/hearthstone/news/31144-vulcun-s-hearthstone-league-is-coming-june-22nd-with-100-000-over-two-seasons
Brian Kibler on Dragon Pally: http://bmkgaming.com/dragon-paladin-how-to-train-your-dragon-consort/
Eric Dodd's Interview: www.gamesradar.com/heathstones-director-eric-dodds-state-game/
Viagame House Cup 3: https://www.youtube.com/user/ViagameNordic/videos
RomanP's Trap Hunter: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/87495-romanp-traphunter-top1-legend
Right click to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)