Golden Wisp Episode 36: The Grand Card Review

Episode 36 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click and save as)

This week's topics:

  1. All TGT cards revealed
  2. Brawl this week will have TGT cards
  3. New Daily Quests
  4. Patch notes
  5. ONOG Feature Tournament #4, Dart/Chakki BM
  6. ATLC Week 6
  7. Hearthstone Pro League
  8. All new cards reviewed!

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Patch Notes:

All revealed cards:

Game of the week is Strifecro on Freeze Mage vs. Zalae on Patron:

Golden Wisp Episode 35: PHONETAP Interview

Episode 35 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click and save as)

This week's topics:

  1. World Championship dates update
  2. Hearthstone making $20 million per month
  3. New Ranked Rewards
  4. Players leave Trig
  5. PHONETAP Interview
  6. New Card Reviews!
  7. WCA EU Qualifier
  8. ONOG Feature Tournament
  9. ATLC Week 5
  10. Hearthstone Pro League
  11. The Meta

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

World Championships information:

Revealed Cards so far:

Tempostorm meta Snapshot:

Golden Wisp Episode 34: Laughably Bad

Episode 34 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click and save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Too Many Portals!
  2. Eric Dodd's Interview with PC Gamer
  3. New Card Reviews!
  4. ASUS ROG Tournament
  5. China vs Americas
  6. Challengestone 3
  7. Hearthstone Pro League
  8. The Meta

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Powder on Druid vs. Tom on Rogue:

Eric Dodd's PC Gamer interview:

Tempostorm meta Snapshot:

Golden Wisp Episode 33: Feeling all Inspired!

Episode 33 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click and save as)

This week's topics:

  1. The Grand Tournament!
  2. No Patron nerf planned at this time
  3. Complexity adds Waffster
  4. Team Fnatic disbanding Hearthstone division
  5. Kaldi joins Tempo Storm
  6. Xixo coin-flipping incident
  7. New card reviews!
  8. AICC NA Qualifier
  9. ROOT invitational #2
  10. ATLC Week 4
  11. Hearthstone Pro League
  12. The Meta

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Sjow on Patron Warrior vs. Firebat on Zoo:

Visual sheet for new cards:

Tempostorm meta Snapshot:

Liquidhearth power rankings:

Golden Wisp Episode 32: Watch the Hunter

Episode 32 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Blizzard's Special Announcement speculation
  2. Mobile revenue passes PC for first time
  3. Hearthlytics signs Kitkatz
  4. Hearthstone Classroom Series
  5. Vulcun Deckmasters
  6. Dreamhack Valencia
  7. Archon Team League
  8. Hearthstone Pro League
  9. The Meta
  10. Justsaiyan's Ancient Watcher Hunter

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Chakki on Priest vs. Xixo on Priest:

Archon Team League Decklists:

Hearthstone Classroom Series:

Eyecelance Demonlock:

Ancient Watcher Hunter on Justsaiyan's Twitter:

Golden Wisp Episode 31: Justsaiyan Interview

Episode 31 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Special announcement event being held at the Foundry (SF) on July 22nd
  2. Old Tavern Brawls to be rotated in at some point
  3. Justsaiyan joins Tempostorm
  4. Luminosity Gaming picks up PHONETAP and Mira
  5. Formation of team Fade 2 Karma
  6. Starladder Kick-Off Season Main Event
  7. ONOG Summer Series Circuit Brawl
  8. Archon Team League
  9. Interview with Tempostorm's Justsaiyan
  10. The Meta

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Firebat on Freeze Mage vs Kolento on Patron Warrior Game 7:

Archon Team League Decklists:

Follow Justsaiyan on twitter and Twitch

Golden Wisp Episode 30: Feels Soooo Good to Be Back!

Episode 30 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click here to get this week's episode (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. New Expansion Teased for July 22nd
  2. Blizzard hasn’t ruled out visual differences on tokens for alternate heroes
  3. Ben Brode said they are not planning on adding new classes at the moment
  4. Team Archon expanding into Dota 2
  5. Heartharena tier list updated!
  6. HTC Recharged Tournament
  7. Archon Team Pro League
  8. Hearthstone Pro League
  9. Upcoming Hearthstone Tournaments
  10. The Meta
  11. Decklist of the week: Crusher's Combo Priest

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Sjow on Zoo vs Kranich on Control Warrior Game 5:

New Expansion Teaser:

Heartharena Tier List:

HTC Recharged:

Crusher's Combo Priest:

Check out Crusher’s twitch at

Golden Wisp Episode 29: We're All About Dem Traps

Episode 29 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Heroes of the Storm & Heroes of the Storm Cardback Released
  2. 'The Inn Crowd' - New Tempo Storm animated series
  3. Challengestone 2 Announced - June 27-28
  4. - New site with tons of Hearthstone Statistics
  5. Vulcun Announces $50k Hearthstone League with an open qualifier
  6. Brian Kibler Dragon Paladin Article
  7. Eric Dodds - "We can't keep making cards"
  8. Viagame House Cup 3
  9. Upcoming Hearthstone Tournaments
  10. The Meta
  11. Decklist of the week: RomanP's Trap Hunter

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week: Firebat's Shaman vs Handsomeguy's Priest: (SURPRISE LIGHTWELL ENDING):

Heroes of the Storm Cardback:

Challengestone 2: - New Hearthstone site for statistics

Vulcun Hearthstone League-

Brian Kibler on Dragon Pally:

Eric Dodd's Interview:

Viagame House Cup 3:

RomanP's Trap Hunter:

Right click to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)

Golden Wisp Episode 28: Can Alec Win Nvidia??

Episode 28 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Make sure to check out our interview on the Realm Maintenance Podcast!

@rhowow @realmpodcast

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. SK picks up Zetalot
  2. IGN talks with Hearthstone Pros about BRM
  3. PVP Live Announces $60k Hearthstone Pro League
  4. HyperX Head-to-Head Tournament  
  5. ESL Last Chance Qualifier
  6. Upcoming Tournaments
  7. The Meta
  8. Decklist of the week: MrYagut's Charge Warrior

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

SK picks up Zetalot:

IGN w/ Hearthstone Pros:

HyperX Head to Head:

ESL Legendary Series Season 2 participants:

MrYagut's Aggro Warrior:

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)

Golden Wisp Episode 27: Viable Dragon Lists?

Episode 27 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Make sure to check out our interview on the Realm Maintenance Podcast this coming Tuesday!

@rhowow @realmpodcast

This week's topics:

  1. Rumored Fnatic roster changes
  2. Alchemisxt forms Team Illuminati!
  3. Cool interview with Yong Woo on Hearthstone set development
  4. Korea vs Super Squad 
  5. ESL Redemption Weekeend
  6. HTC Invitational
  7. Upcoming Tournaments
  8. The Meta
  9. Decklist of the week: SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the week:

Team Illuminati:

Yong Woo Interview (less rhyming unfortunately):

ESL Legendary Series vods:

HTC Invitational:

SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock:

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)