Golden Wisp Episode 32: Watch the Hunter

Episode 32 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:

  1. Blizzard's Special Announcement speculation
  2. Mobile revenue passes PC for first time
  3. Hearthlytics signs Kitkatz
  4. Hearthstone Classroom Series
  5. Vulcun Deckmasters
  6. Dreamhack Valencia
  7. Archon Team League
  8. Hearthstone Pro League
  9. The Meta
  10. Justsaiyan's Ancient Watcher Hunter

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Chakki on Priest vs. Xixo on Priest:

Archon Team League Decklists:

Hearthstone Classroom Series:

Eyecelance Demonlock:

Ancient Watcher Hunter on Justsaiyan's Twitter: