Golden Wisp Episode 31: Justsaiyan Interview

Episode 31 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode (right click -> save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Special announcement event being held at the Foundry (SF) on July 22nd
  2. Old Tavern Brawls to be rotated in at some point
  3. Justsaiyan joins Tempostorm
  4. Luminosity Gaming picks up PHONETAP and Mira
  5. Formation of team Fade 2 Karma
  6. Starladder Kick-Off Season Main Event
  7. ONOG Summer Series Circuit Brawl
  8. Archon Team League
  9. Interview with Tempostorm's Justsaiyan
  10. The Meta

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week is Firebat on Freeze Mage vs Kolento on Patron Warrior Game 7:

Archon Team League Decklists:

Follow Justsaiyan on twitter and Twitch