Golden Wisp Episode 27: Viable Dragon Lists?

Episode 27 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Make sure to check out our interview on the Realm Maintenance Podcast this coming Tuesday!

@rhowow @realmpodcast

This week's topics:

  1. Rumored Fnatic roster changes
  2. Alchemisxt forms Team Illuminati!
  3. Cool interview with Yong Woo on Hearthstone set development
  4. Korea vs Super Squad 
  5. ESL Redemption Weekeend
  6. HTC Invitational
  7. Upcoming Tournaments
  8. The Meta
  9. Decklist of the week: SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the week:

Team Illuminati:

Yong Woo Interview (less rhyming unfortunately):

ESL Legendary Series vods:

HTC Invitational:

SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock:

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)