Episode 27 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!
Make sure to check out our interview on the Realm Maintenance Podcast this coming Tuesday! http://realm-maintenance.com/
@rhowow @realmpodcast
This week's topics:
- Rumored Fnatic roster changes
- Alchemisxt forms Team Illuminati!
- Cool interview with Yong Woo on Hearthstone set development
- Korea vs Super Squad
- ESL Redemption Weekeend
- HTC Invitational
- Upcoming Tournaments
- The Meta
- Decklist of the week: SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock
Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:
Game of the week: http://www.twitch.tv/esl_hearthstone/v/5144516?t=296m02s
Team Illuminati: http://www.gosugamers.net/hearthstone/news/31037-alchemixt-founds-own-team-illuminati
Yong Woo Interview (less rhyming unfortunately): http://www.pcgamer.com/hearthstone-interview-grim-patron-dr-boom-balanced/
ESL Legendary Series vods: http://www.twitch.tv/esl_hearthstone/profile/past_broadcasts
HTC Invitational: http://www.twitch.tv/trumpsc/profile/past_broadcasts
SuperJJ's Dragon Warlock: http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=109755/superjjs-s14-dragon-warlock
Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)