Golden Wisp Episode 96: Heroes of Tavern Brawl

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec discuss the upcoming Heroic Tavern Brawl, the North American Last Call tournament, and how to dethrone the Shamans. 

Episode 96 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Announcing Heroic Tavern Brawl
  2. 2016 Arena Stats
  3. Upcoming Expansion Announcement?
  4. TempoStorm signs VLPS
  5. Celestial Invitational Announced

Tournament News

  1. America's Last Call (vods)
  2. Kinguin for Charity (day 1) (day 2)
  3. Game of the Week: Thijs Secret Hunter vs Lifecoach Maly Druid
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report

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Golden Wisp Episode 95: The Nerfs Happened, Now What?

Episode 95 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Peter Whalen on Creating the Chess Event
  2. Gnimsh Hired as Esports Program Manager in France
  3. Terrence Speaks with Kotaku
  4. PC Gamer on the Hearthstone Nerfs
  5. SeatStory Cup 6 Announced!

Tournament News

  1. European Last Call (vods)
  2. Asia-Pacific Last Call (vods)
  3. WESG European Qualifiers (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. TempoStorm Meta Snapshot

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Golden Wisp Episode 94: The Nerfs, Biggest Winners and Losers

Episode 94 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Big Changes to Hearthstone
  2. Introducing Twitch Prime
  3. Alliance Signs Orange

Tournament News

  1. Asia-Pacific Summer Championships (vods)
  2. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. TEMPOSTORM Wild Meta Snapshot 

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Golden Wisp Episode 93: The Champion of Memes, HotMEOWTH

Episode 93 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Ben Brode Interview
  2. Mike Donais & Iksar Interview on IGN
  3. Kibler on Yogg, Rng & the State of Competitive Hearthstone
  4. Dignitas Releases Hearthstone Division
  5. 76ers Acquire Team Dignitas
  6. Team Liquid Acquired by aXiomatic
  7. HCT Last Call Lineups 

Interview with NA Summer Champion HotMEOWTH

  1. Twitter
  2. Twitch

Tournament News

  1. Europe Summer Championships (vods)
  2. Start Democracy Invitational (vods)
  3. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report

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Golden Wisp Episode 92: Are You Ready For Some Hearthstone?

Episode 92 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Hearthstone Patch Notes
  2. Blizzard is Hiring a Game Balance Designer
  3. Dreamhack expanding to Atlanta and Colorado in 2017
  4. Dignitas Releases Hearthstone Division

Tournament News

  1. North America Summer Championships (vods)
  2. Batstone (vods)
  3. PGL Tavern Tales (vods)
  4. Chinese HTC Summer Qualifiers
  5. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot

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Golden Wisp Episode 91: A Rogue's Life for Me

Episode 91 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Chris Metzen Retires
  2. Hearthstone introduces: A Welcome Bundle
  3. Blizzard removes 45 cards from the arena pool
  4. Firebat to host 8 man tournament with community bans called Batstone
  5. Rdu on Last Call
  6. Reynad on counter play in Hearthstone

Tournament News

  1. Deck Gauntlet 3 (vods)
  2. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot


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Golden Wisp Episode 90: A Trip to the XiZoo!

Episode 90 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Amaz joins NRG
  2. Firebat talks competitive Hearthstone
  3. Lifecoach wins race to Legend!
  4. Ben Brode's Favorite Cards

Tournament News

  1. Geico ONOG Championship (vods)
  2. Game of the week: Dog Reno Mage vs Dart Cthun Warrior
  3. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report


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Golden Wisp Episode 89: Raspberry Daiquiris in the Menagerie

Episode 89 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Amnesiac Ted Talk 
  2. Lifecoach reviews his Seatstory Games
  3. Mr Yagut joins complexity
  4. First invites to PGL Tavern Tales revealed

Tournament News

  1. Insomnia Truesilver Championship (vods)
  2. Game of the week: Ek0p Cthun Warrior vs Xixo MalyYogg Druid
  3. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot


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Golden Wisp Episode 88: We Need to Talk About Yogg

Episode 88 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Official Chinese App displays hidden stats
  2. Curse acquired by Twitch
  3. Paypal removes donating from buyer protection
  4. Thijs & Lifecoach to race for legend next season
  5. Reynad on micro & macro decisions in Hearthstone

Tournament News

  1. NA Summer Prelims (day 1) (day 2)
  2. Game of the week: Mansato Yogg Druid vs Dude's Zoo
  3. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report


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Golden Wisp Episode 87: Chess is Life

Episode 87 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Patch Notes including update to mulligan process
  2. Zalae joins Luminosity!

Tournament News

  1. EU Summer Prelims (day 1) (day 2)
  2. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot
  2. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report

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