Golden Wisp Episode 89: Raspberry Daiquiris in the Menagerie

Episode 89 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Amnesiac Ted Talk 
  2. Lifecoach reviews his Seatstory Games
  3. Mr Yagut joins complexity
  4. First invites to PGL Tavern Tales revealed

Tournament News

  1. Insomnia Truesilver Championship (vods)
  2. Game of the week: Ek0p Cthun Warrior vs Xixo MalyYogg Druid
  3. ESL King of the Hill (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot


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