Golden Wisp Episode 98: Twas the Night Before Blizzcon

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec talk you through the new Hearthstone Championship Tour format, the first week of Blizzcon, and debate the funding decision for ATLC season 2. 

Episode 98 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Changes to the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour Announced
  2. Rat Race Spooky Edition!
  3. Ben Brode to miss Blizzcon
  4. ATLC Season 2 Announced!
  5. Challengestone to Return to Blizzcon 2016
  6. Team G2 Renews Contracts
  7. Choose Your Champion (Again?)

Tournament News

  1. Blizzcon Opening Weekend (vods)
  2. Blizzcon Decklists
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. TempoStorm Meta Snapshot

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