Episode 9 of everyone's favorite 0 cost minion!
This week's topics:
- Hearthstone team news
- The Pinnacle 2 announced
- ESL Legendary Series Week #7
- The current ladder meta
- Decklist of the week: Xixo's Pirate Rogue
Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:
ESL week : http://wiki.teamliquid.net/hearthstone/ESL_Hearthstone_Legendary_Series/Match_Day/Week_7
ESL week 7 vods: http://www.twitch.tv/esltv_hearthstone/b/609474890https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/videos
ESL week 7 decklists: http://tempostorm.com/articles/esl-legendary-series-week-7-decklists
Xixo's Pirate Rogue: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/155896-xixos-pirate (includes vods of his play)
Fr0zen's KT Ramp Druid: http://imgur.com/8Q0AGPu
Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)