Golden Wisp Episode 84: Concede Shaman

Episode 84 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Hearthstone Announcement July 28th at ChinaJoy
  2. Azumo & Frodan Interview with PC Gamer
  3. ESL to Revive King of the Hill

Tournament News

  1. Seatstory Cup 5 (vods & info)
  2. Series of the Week (Thijs vs Lifecoach Semifinals
  3. Thijs review of series between Lifecoach and himself
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Vicious Syndicate Review of Flamewreath Faceless


  1. Frodan's Concede Shaman

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