Golden Wisp Episode 79: How to Train your Dragon Warrior

Episode 79 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. One Button Authenticator coming to Battlenet
  2. Twitch to sue Viewbot vendors
  3. Sky to start 24 hour Esports Tv channel
  4. Old Gods achievements end July 5th
  5. Thijs review his EU finals match vs Iner (part 1) (part 2)

Tournament News

  1. Dreamhack Summer (vods & info)
  2. Game of the week Rdu Tempo Mage vs Boarcontrol Tempo Warrior
  3. StarLadder StarSeries (vods & info)
  4. APAC Summer Championship (vods)
  5. Hearthstone Esports Schedule


  1. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot
  2. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report


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