Episode 69 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!
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This week's topics:
- Wild rank display changes
- Fireside Gatherings now qualify for Tavern Hero
- March Ladder Rankings
- Dev QA on Hearthpwn
- Blizzcon Announced, early details
- Dreamhack Montreal Announced
- SeatStory Cup V Announced
- Card Reviews!
- Archon House Cup
- The Meta
- iTunes Reviews and Coaching Sessions
Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:
Cards revealed so far: http://www.hearthhead.com/cards=?filter=cs=21
Tournaments/Opens schedule: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/esports/schedule/
biood1's Healblade Warrior list: http://imgur.com/wZIZYGl