Golden Wisp Episode 67: Good Guy Ragnaros

Episode 67 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:

  1. An Evil Exchange Tavern Brawl
  2. TwoBiers completes 100 in 10 challenge
  3. Flow eSports formed
  4. GG Arena Tier List updated
  5. Mike Donais pcgamer interview
  6. Ben Brode on Old Gods
  7. Google DeepMind studying Hearthstone
  8. Archon House Cup announced
  9. Card Reviews!!!
  10. APAC Winter Championships
  11. Insomnia57 Truesilver Championship
  12. Tournament Meta
  13. The Meta
  14. iTunes Reviews and Coaching Sessions

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week, Dog on Malyrogue vs. Superjj on Malylock:

Grinning Goat Arena Tier List:

Cards revealed so far:

Tournaments/Opens schedule: