Golden Wisp Episode 62: NA>EU

Episode 62 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:

  1. Lead from the Front Tavern Brawl
  2. Polygon article on Blizzard Summit
  3. Mike Donais Hearthside Chat
  4. PGL's head of eSports on Hearthstone
  5. Hafu video on her career and sexism in eSports
  6. Firebat Watch
  7. Archon Curse Trials
  8. G2 Full Tilt Invitational
  9. Elky cheating in G2
  10. Hearthstone Champions League Season 2
  11. NA Winter Prelims
  12. Tournament Meta
  13. The Meta
  14. iTunes Reviews and Coaching Sessions

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Polygon article:

Hafu video:

Firebat interview on PC Gamer:

Tempostorm Meta Snapshot:

Tournaments/Opens schedule: