Golden Wisp Episode 61: Chaos Control!

Episode 61 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:

  1. Decks Assemble Returns
  2. G2/Full Tilt Invitational Announced
  3. Stancifka Analysis Video
  4. Kibler AMA on Reddit
  5. Fr0zen and APXVoid signed by Hearthlytics
  6. Some EU players disqualified for name not matching battlenet id
  7. EU Winter Prelims!
  8. Hearthstone Champions League Season 2
  9. Tournament Meta
  10. The Meta
  11. Decklist of the Week: Kharan's Chaos Control Hunter
  12. iTunes Reviews/Coaching Sessions

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Decklist of the Week, Kharan's Chaos Control Hunter:

Stancifka Analysis Video:

Kibler AMA on Reddit:

Tournaments/Opens schedule: