Golden Wisp Episode 6

Episode 6 of everyone's favorite 0 cost minion!

This week's topics:

  1. ESL Legendary Series (game of the week)
  2. Numerical M-House Cup 5
  3. Pvp Live's Tavern Takeover III
  4. Battle of the Best
  5. Good Gaming Tournament fiasco
  6. The current ladder meta
  7. Darkwonyx's Control Warlock
  8. Our Hearthstone Christmas wishlist!

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the week:

ESL Legendary Series:

Numerical M-House Cup 5:

Pvp Live's Tavern Takeover III:

Battle of the Best 2:

Katy's Good Gaming opinion piece:

Darkwonyx Control Warlock:

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click > save as)