Episode 3 of everyone's favorite 0 cost minion!
This week's topics:
- Dreamhack Winter
- New Goblins vs Gnomes cards
- The current ladder meta
- Strifecro's Grinder Mage
We're giving away another Hearthstone gift card, so you can email us feedback at goldenwisppodcast@gmail.com or tweet at us @GWpodcast.
Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:
Dreamhack Winter decklists: http://www.gosugamers.net/hearthstone/news/29216-dreamhack-winter-decklists-facts-and-class-stats
Dreamhack Winter vods: http://www.viagame.com/channels/dreamhack-hearthstone-championship
The most complete link for new GvG cards (updated often): http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Goblins_vs_Gnomes
Strifecro's Grinder Mage: http://www.gosugamers.net/files/images/news/2014/december/DHW%20decks/StrifeCro.png
Right click here to download this week's episode (Right click > Save link as)