Golden Wisp Episode 18

Episode 18 of everyone's favorite 0 cost minion!

This week's topics:

  1. Hearthstone Turns One!
  2. Blizzcon Announced
  3. New Blackrock Cards
  4. IEM Katowice
  5. Gfinity Spring Masters
  6. MSI Dragon Cup
  7. NEL
  8. Kinguin Pro League
  9. Upcoming Tournaments
  10. The Current Ladder Meta
  11. Decklist of the Week: Andrew's Gazlowe Druid

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Game of the Week:

Blizzcon Announced:

Spoiled Blackrock Mountain Cards so far:

IEM Katowice Vods:

Gfinity Spring Master Vods:

MSI Dragon Cup:

Kinguin Pro League Vods:

Andrew's Gazlowe Druid:;282:2;459:2;532:1;548:2;620:2;633:2;12179:2;12181:2;12182:1;12188:2;12200:2;12202:2;12217:1;12225:1;12226:2;12253:2;12287:1;

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)