Golden Wisp Episode 12

Episode 12 of everyone's favorite 0 cost minion!

This week's topics:

  1. Bane of Doom update?
  2. Possible next Hearthstone expansion in April
  3. Blizzcon 2015 structure
  4. Kinguin for Charity Winter Edition 2015
  5. Pinnacle 2
  6. The Winter Assembly
  7. Battle of the Best
  8. Haters Gonna Hate: Mechwarper
  9. This week's ladder meta
  10. Decklist: Justsaiyan's 'I Am Malganis' anti mech mage- warlock

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Bane of Doom update?:

Hearthstone expansion leaked:

Blizzcon 2015 structure:

Kinguin for Charity Winter Edition 2015:

Pinnacle 2:

The Winter Assembly:

Vortex's decklists:

Battle of the Best:

Justsaiyan's 'I am Malganis (missing malganis in screenshot):'

Right click here to download this week's episode (right click -> save as)