Golden Wisp Episode 57: Who am I? None of your nerf business!

Episode 57 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

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This week's topics:

  1. Return of Mechazod Tavern Brawl
  2. Animated Armor was once a neutral card
  3. Cards that add cards to your deck actually shuffle it
  4. Another banwave against bots
  5. Kolento teaching video
  6. IGN interview with Iksar and Ben Brode
  7. EK0P's rant
  8. ESPN eSports
  9. F2K loses Hawkeye
  10. Powder joins SK
  11. Locations announced for EU/NA Tavern Series
  12. Gold Series 2015
  13. OGN Master KR Season 4
  14. The Meta
  15. Haters gonna Hate: Mysterious Challenger
  16. iTunes Reviews and Coaching Sessions

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Locations for EU/NA Tavern Series:

Kolento's Druid Video:

IGN interview with Iksar and Ben Brode: