Golden Wisp Episode 41: Storming your castle with my Dreadsteed

Episode 41 of everyone's favorite 0 cost podcast!

Right click to get this week's episode! (right click and save as)

This week's topics:

  1. Portals for Tavern Brawl again
  2. Blizzcon cardback
  3. Na'vi adds Hearthstone team
  4. Dreamhack Winter announced
  5. Updated Arena Class Tier List from ADWCTA
  6. Ben Brode interview with PCGamer
  7. Hearthstone casting discussion
  8. StarLadder Series continues
  9. NA/EU Regional Qualifiers
  10. The Meta
  11. Decklist of the week: Dreadlock

Here are the links we discussed for this week's episode:

Decklist of the Week:

Game of the week is Strelzik on Control Warrior vs. Bloodyface on Handlock:

Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot:

Ben Brode interview:

ADWCTA Arena Class Tier List: