Golden Wisp Episode 125: Buffalo Standard Wings

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec rant about the lack of Northeast US preliminaries, talk about the first week of China vs Europe, and look at turn times for Journey to Un'goro games.

Episode 125 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl
  2. Blizzard Earnings Report
  3. Brode on Seeing Your Opponent's Randomly Generated Cards
  4. HCT Spring Prelim Locations

Tournament News

  1. China vs Eu (vods)
  2. Hearthstone Global Games (vods)
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule

The Meta

  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot
  3. Hearthstone Replay on Pace of the Meta

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