Golden Wisp Episode 124: The Lord of the Nobs with Noblord

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec debate the new Wild content forthcoming, talk about the first big tournament of the new year, Dreamhack Austin, and get a chance to interview Noblord from Rutgers University after his big win in the collegiate series.

Episode 124 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl Incoming!
  2. Hearthstone Hits 70 Million Players!
  3. Hamster Joins Team OM
  4. Pavel Leaves ArmaTeam

Interview with Noblord

  1. Noblord's Twitter
  2. Noblord's Twitch

Tournament News

  1. Dreamhack Austin (vods)
  2. Hearthstone Global Games (vods)
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule

The Meta

  1. Vicious Syndicate Data Reaper Report

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