Golden Wisp Episode 122: Justice Demands Mrglglglgl!

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec discuss the new HCT details and the next upcoming version of China vs EU (did somebody say Ferrari?), go over the week's Hearthstone Global Games, and teach you how to play Maxtheripper's Murloc Paladin!

Episode 122 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Behind the Card: Amara: Warden of Hope
  2. Shacknews Article with Dean Ayala
  3. HCT Spring Details Announced
  4. Choose Your Collegiate Champion!
  5. March Top Ladder Players NA EU
  6. Streamer Showdown!
  7. Frodan's Deck Techs: Caverns Rogue
  8. CN vs EU Announced
  9. Splyce Signs Astrogation
  10. Reign Signs Rosty, Rage, and Leadpaint
  11. Art of Hearthstone Book Available for Preorder

Tournament News

  1. Red Bull Team Brawl (vods)
  2. Hearthstone Global Games (vods)
  3. Hearthstone Esports Schedule

The Meta

  1. Vicious Syndicate Live Data
  2. Tempo Storm Meta Snapshot

Decklist of the Week: Maxtheripper's Murloc Paladin

  1. Decklist

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