Golden Wisp Episode 116: Finja, the Best Card in Hearthstone?

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec talk about the freshest beat from the great Ben Brode, discuss the final week of the ESL Trinity Series, and help you learn how to play Water Rogue!

Episode 116 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. The Ben Brode Rap
  2. Mike Donais with TempoStorm
  3. Peter Whalen and Tzachi Zach Interview
  4. Lifecoach Interview with GosuGamers

Tournament News

  1. ESL Trinity Series (vods)
  2. Hearthstone Esports Schedule

The Meta

  1. Vicious Syndicate Snapshot
  2. TempoStorm Meta Snapshot

Decklist of the Week

  1. Freakah's Finja Rogue

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