Golden Wisp Episode 113: Bye Bye Buccaneer

This week on the Golden Wisp, Hunter and Alec discuss the upcoming balance and ranked play changes, the myriad of tournaments this weekend, including the European Winter Championship, and take a look at what decks are the fastest to play in the current expansion.

Episode 113 of everyone's favorite 0-cost podcast!

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This week's topics:


  1. Incoming Nerfs and a Change to Ranked Play
  2. Puffin Joins the Hearthstone Team
  3. Design Philosophy with Max McCall
  4. First Arena Top 100
  5. Hafu and Dude 7597 Join NRG
  6. Millenium Signs New Roster

Tournament News

  1. Europe Winter Championships (vods)
  2. ESL Trinity Series (vods)
  3. Kinguin for Charity (vods)
  4. Hearthstone Esports Schedule

The Meta

  1. Vicious Syndicate Snapshot
  2. TempoStorm Meta Snapshot
  3. Vicious Syndicate on Game Length

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